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Inter­ested in join­ing the Mar­tin group?

We are open year-round to inquiries from suit­able can­di­dates, be it for a M.Sc. rota­tion, an M.Sc. the­sis project, a Ph.D. posi­tion, or a post­doc­toral posi­tion. Accep­tance is a func­tion of avail­able fund­ing, includ­ing any com­pet­i­tive fel­low­ships the appli­cant has a chance of get­ting.

For obvi­ous rea­sons, rota­tion and M.Sc. thesis stu­dents have to be enrolled in the Weiz­mann Insti­tute M.Sc. pro­gram.

Appli­cants for a Ph.D. level posi­tion should sat­isfy the admis­sion require­ments to the Ph.D. Pro­gram of the Fein­berg Grad­u­ate School, full details of which (as well as salary and ben­e­fits infor­ma­tion) are avail­able here. Ph.D. posi­tions at WIS are gen­er­ally for about 4 years, with a trial period that runs until the stu­dent passes (or, alas, fails) the WIS Pro­posal Exam­i­na­tion (usu­ally after about 1 year).

Appli­cants for a post­doc­toral posi­tion should be no later than three years after their Ph.D. (It is OK to apply while you are still awaiting defense or thesis approval.) Details of salary and ben­e­fits for post­docs at the Insti­tute are avail­able here. Post­doc­toral posi­tions will be for 1 year, extend­able by mutual agree­ment. Unlike in the past, all postdocs at WIS receive the same fellowship and benefits (details here), regardless of marital status or prior postdoctoral experience. 

How to apply

Rota­tion and M.Sc. appli­cants may con­tact me infor­mally (as they are already at Weiz­mann). Ph.D. and post­doc­toral appli­cants should Email me a CV, list of pub­li­ca­tions, and con­tact infor­ma­tion for at least two ref­er­ences. (Please do not send "to whom it may concern" reference letters with your application.) Please avoid send­ing Word files: the pre­ferred for­mat for send­ing for­mat­ted doc­u­ments is PDF. Email: gershom AT weizmann DOT ac DOT il


Essen­tial requirements
  • For for­eign appli­cants, flu­ency in Eng­lish is an absolute “must”.

  • Good com­puter skills (Unix/Linux, Mac OS X an asset) and will­ing­ness to acquire more.

  • The desire to learn more about the­ory than “button-pushing”.

  • Pro­gram­ming skills (par­tic­u­larly For­tran), or at least will­ing­ness to acquire them.

  • Apti­tude for sci­en­tific writ­ing and report­ing in English.

  • A good back­ground in one or more of the fol­low­ing: the­o­ret­i­cal chem­istry, organometal­lic chem­istry, biochemistry.

  • Abil­ity to work cre­atively and independently.

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