Once you can sincerely say, "I don't know," then it becomes possible to get at the truth.
(Robert A. Heinlein)

Prof. Gershom (Jan) Martin
Kimmelman 361. Phone: +972 8 934-2533. FAX: +972 8 934-3029
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0000-0002-0005-5074
[ResearcherID] [Scopus] [Google Scholar]
Professional social networks: [Mendeley] [LinkedIn] [ResearchGate] [AcademicTree]
Research images gallery: [Pinterest]

Dr. Margarita Shepelenko (postdoc, lab manager)
Kimmelman 262. Phone: +972 8 934-2533. FAX: +972 8 934-3029
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0000-0003-4707-1650

Dr. Nisha Mehta (postdoc)
Sieff 245. Phone: +972 8 934-2547. FAX: +972 8 934-3029
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0000-0001-7222-4108
Vladimir "Vova" Fishman (Ph.D. student)
Kimmelman 262. Phone: +972 8 934-4464. FAX: +972 8 934-3029
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0009-0004-7570-136X

Emmanouil Semidalas (Ph.D. student)
Kimmelman 262. Phone: +972 8 934-4464. FAX: +972 8 934-3029
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0000-0002-4464-4057

Dr. Irena Efremenko (staff scientist emerita)
Kimmelman 262A. Phone: +972 8 934-3680. FAX: +972 8 934-3029
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0000-0002-9934-3470
[ResearcherID] [ResearchGate]

A. Daniel Boese (Weston Visiting Professor)
Kimmelman 262 and
Head, Institute of Chemistry, Karl-Franzensuniversität Graz, Austria
Published author identifiers: OrcID 0000-0001-7388-778X

Dr. Golokesh Santra (Ph.D. student, presently postdoc with Prof. Frank Neese at Max Planck Institute, Mülheim, Germany)
Dr. Ashim Nandi (postdoc, presently 2nd postdoc with Prof. Arieh Warshel at U. of Southern California)
Dr. A. Daniel Boese (postdoc, presently full professor, KFU Graz, Austria [see bottom of page for announcement])
Amir Karton (Ph.D. student). Presently Full Professor, U. of New England, Australia [ResearcherID]
Dr. Sebastian Kozuch (Koshland postdoctoral fellow, presently Full Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be'er-Shev`a) [ResearcherID]
Dr. Mark A Iron (Ph.D. student) (presently Senior Staff Scientist and head, computational chemistry service unit, Weizmann Institute of Science)
Nitai Sylvetsky (Ph.D. student), graduated June 2021, presently an Intellectual Property professional.
Ambar Banerjee (postdoc), presently assistant professor, RISE (Research Institute for Sustainable Energy), Kolkata, India
Nellore Bhanuchandar (postdoc, jointly with Prof. Joel L. Sussman)
Brina Brauer (consultant), presently Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics, Touro College Israel
Minsik Cho (summer student), presently Ph.D. student in Chemistry, MIT.
Sarah Eshafi (summer student), presently student, Integrated Science Program, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Manoj Kumar Kesharwani (postdoc, intern): presently postdoc, Johannes Kästner group, U. of Stuttgart, Germany
Onur Atasoylu (summer student) (presently head of Computational Chemistry at Incyte Pharmaceutical Research, Wilmington, DE)
Dr. Kim Baldridge (Fulbright visiting scholar, presently Prof. at U. of Zürich, Switzerland) [ResearcherID]
Dr. Glênisson de Oliveira (postdoc; presently Dean, Texas Academy of Math and Sciences, U. of North Texas)
Dr. Srinivasan Parthiban (postdoc; presently CEO of Reverse Informatics)
Chaya Ben-Porat (summer student)
Dr. Revital Cohen (Ph.D. student) (presently with the Pearl, Cohen-Tzedek & Latzer firm of patent attorneys)
Shauli Daon. Presently Ph.D. student, group of Eli Pollak at Weizmann
Uma Fogueri (M.Sc. student, U. of North Texas; presently Ph.D. student, U. of Colorado School of Medicine)
Daniel Kazhdan (summer student; presently Patent Law Judge, US Patent and Trade Office)
Dr. Jean-François Lamère (postdoc)
Dr. Debashree Manna (postdoc; presently in group of Prof. Pavel Hobza, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Mahesh Menon (postdoc)
Nina Naftuliev (programmer-intern)
Dr. Stephan Oevers (postdoc, jointly with Milstein group; presently Operational Excellence Expert, Bayer Business Services)
Mikhal Oren (M. Sc. student)
Miriam Quintal (Fulbright visiting student; presently at a K Street firm with Higher Education clients)
Dr. Andrew Shchavlev
Dr. Rotem Sertchook (presently staff scientist, Bioinformatics unit, Weizmann Institute of Science)
Indira K.C. Silwal (visiting scientist)
Dr. Andreas Sundermann (postdoc)
Olivier Uzan (graduate student; presently with Click Software, Tel-Aviv)
Ilia Kaminker (rotation student)
Yael Gozin (rotation student)